And we’ve got a walker

Four days before Izobelle turned ten months old, April 28th 2012, my little girl took her first steps 🙂 It was only three but it was definitely a walk and now she’s been trying so hard to repeat herself. She can now take a couple steps here and there and it’s making me so happy to see her accomplish such a milestone in her life! Even though I love seeing her progress, it does make me sad that she’s growing up so fast. She is definitely the baby that constantly wants to be on the move; she doesn’t particularly like being cuddled or held. If she’s awake, she wants to do her own thing and move on her own terms. I do admit, I miss the newborn days where she just slept all the time and let me cuddle her 24/7. I am still shocked that her first birthday is now less than two months away. Is it totally silly that I’m already planning it? It’s a toss between nautical or monkey themed. I need to decide soon…after all, it’s only 59 days away.