november 2015.

November was so good to us. Cuddles by the fireplace, move nights, Veda turned six months, Iz had several dance parties, I got a job (yay!), Izobelle was officially adopted by Bryan (double yay!), and we had an amazing Thanksgiving dinner, with much to be thankful for.

a date with my littles.

Since the birth of our second daughter five months ago, our oldest, Izobelle, has not been getting the amount of attention that she was once so used to. We put a conscious effort into giving her one-on-one time with either Bryan or I, but unfortunately those occurrences are few and far between. I also realized recently that my Instagram and Facebook accounts are flooded with a lot of pictures of Veda, and not as much as Iz. So, today, I picked the girls up from daycare early and we headed to one of my favorite places ever–Nisqually Wildlife Refuge and I wanted to take lots and LOTS of photographs of my oldest daughter, Izzy LeRoux.

I had a blast just letting that girl run wild, exploring the grounds, being silly and goofy, and I got to capture it all. I think her little sister knew I needed some one-on-one time with my big girl, because Veda slept almost the whole time we were there. It wasn’t until the last 10 minutes of our walk that she finally woke up, and per Izobelle’s request, I snapped some photos of the both of them.

I don’t know if Izobelle ever resents us for the lack of attention that she’s getting, or if somehow her four year old beautiful brain can process the series of events that led up to it. But she was so happy today. And she was even happier when Veda woke up and enjoyed the trip with us. My girls are amazing and the biggest blessing of my life. And Izobelle is the best big sister in the entire world. And when I get a little sad that she is no longer my only baby, I look at the two of them and I see how much they love each other and the sadness subdues and I am overcome with unmeasurable amounts of happiness.

Some photos from today:
