Catch up!

Apologies! I cannot believe how long it’s been since my last post. The holidays arrived, it seems out of no where, and I’ve had little time for anything other than work, school, and my family. I’ll try and give a quick update on some things that have been happening:

600105_10152293706405177_899240773_nWe went out and got our Christmas tree the Saturday after Thanksgiving. I was worried how Izobelle would handle in the cold, not to mention in the rain depending on the weather, but my little trooper had so much fun at the tree farm. She did great on the tractor ride into the tree area and enjoyed walking around, touching all the trees her little hands could get to. She enjoyed being carried around and she also enjoyed exploring on her own. 705694_10152294893115177_1427311321_oI could tell she was cold but it didn’t seem to bother her one bit. She was as silly and adorable as any other time. Since the tree has been up though, which is about three weeks now, Izobelle has been quite fascinated with all the lights and ornaments. She apparently has the need to touch, feel, pull, eat, and play with all of the decorations, which honestly, has been a little frustrating. I know she’s just exploring everything she sees but it’s been exhausting having to hang up all of the ornaments after she pulls them down. Not only that, but she knows the word “no” now and she knows it means don’t do whatever it is you’re doing or about to do. For some reason when I say no as she’s reaching for the tree, she doesn’t want to listen. I try explaining to her that the tree is just to be looked at, and that the decorations are not toys, but maybe she’ll understand better next year.

  • Izobelle says “whoa” a lot when something intense happens. For instance, if she trips but catches herself before falling, she’ll say “whoa.” She also likes to say “Oh no!” in a really dramatic tone, of course. When you say “I love you,” she’ll respond by trying to repeat but it comes out as “I la la.” Also, anytime she is in pain, she says “Ow!” and lifts up whatever it is that is hurt so that I can kiss it better. This little gesture on my part immediately makes her feel better.
  • Izzy has discovered how to bite. And hard. She’s always bitten, ever since she got teeth and I know it’s because she’s just exploring senses and feelings. But wow, with all the teeth that have been coming in (She’s capped four new ones in the last month), she’s been leaving scars on areas where she chomps down. I obviously try to instill that this behavior is not acceptable but it keeps happening. She also keeps getting bit at daycare by other kids. Must just be a phase…hopefully.
  • Izobelle has by far the dorkiest, most funny facial expressions out of any child I know.  Lately she responds perfectly when you ask her to say “Cheese!” She will give me the goofiest smile possible and even say “cheeeeeeeeeeeeeese!”

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